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Over ons Actueel Nieuws Nieuwsberichten

Academic and applied collaboration to develop a sustainable society

04 februari 2015

The workshop entitled “Social Psychological Research outside Academia” was a unique 2-day workshop for PHD students of the national graduate school in social psychology (Kurt Lewin Institute). It was organized by PhD students, Anne Marthe van der Bles, Jolien van Breen, Maja Kutlaca and faculty member Nina Hansen of the University of Groningen on January 14th and 15th in Amsterdam.

The aim of the workshop was to learn more about scientific valorization. More precisely, the PhD students wanted to gain more insights in, first, how social psychological knowledge is used outside academia to solve practical issues. For example, participants learned about an app that was developed to provide tailored advice to young men to educate them in sexual matters and how to design and evaluate developmental aid interventions aiming to improve intergroup relations and female empowerment in rural areas in Africa. Second, participants learned how to communicate their research to audiences outside academia. The organizers invited five guest speakers from various backgrounds, working both in- and outside of academia. The speakers not only presented their work, but also actively engaged in working with the students on case studies and small group assignments.

Moreover, thanks to the generous support by Sustainable Society a special workshop dinner was organized. PhD students had the unique opportunity to talk to the guest speakers in a less formal setting and acquire first-hand information on the perks and challenges of life as a scientist and/or practitioner. In sum, the workshop was evaluated very positively. The participants learned how scientific knowledge is used and needed outside academia to work towards a more sustainable society. They expressed that they would love to have such an interactive workshop again.

Laatst gewijzigd:04 juli 2023 10:31

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