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New name for ITM: ENgineering and TEchnology institute Groningen

17 December 2014

We are pleased to announce that the Institute of Technology and Management (ITM) will start 2015 with a fresh title as

ENgineering and TEchnology institute Groningen (ENTEG)

The new name is an important milestone for our institute. More clearly than before the name of the institute matches with the focus of our current research activities. It is expected that this name will help people to better understand who we are and what we do.


In 2006 ITM was instituted to become the home for the research activities associated with the Industrial Engineering and Management (TBK) and the Chemical Engineering programme. The former chemical engineering groups became the growth nucleus for this new institute. In 2007 the Discrete Technology activity in FWN was incorporated in ITM. At the start of the institute the objective was to perform research and teaching at the interface of engineering sciences and business management with a strong focus on the technical and engineering aspects of integrated product-process design and development. Over the years more research units were incorporated in ITM and the focus of the research activities shifted more towards the application of fundamental sciences to the design of new (sustainable) product and production concepts and to the control of the production processes. Currently, ENTEG comprises 7 research units.

Last modified:17 December 2014 10.43 a.m.

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