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Kars de Graaf appointed Associate Professor Public Law and Sustainability

25 July 2014
Dr Kars de Graaf
Dr Kars de Graaf

Mr. dr. K.J. (Kars) de Graaf has been appointed Associate Professor Public Law and Sustainability at the Faculty of Law, as of July 1st, 2014.

Kars de Graaf (1976) graduated in 1999 and received his PhD in 2004 for research on the possibilities and consequences of (out of court) settlement in administrative law procedures. Since that time he is a (senior) lecturer in the Department for Administrative Law and Public Administration. He is the managing editor of the Review of European Administrative Law (REALaw) and a honorary judge of the district in the North of the Netherlands. He is a member of the board of both the Dutch association for Administrative Law (VAR, and the Dutch association for Environmental Law (VMR,

Kars is interested in environmental and administrative law. In 2008 Kars was involved with research on the environmental law aspects of building (large) Windfarms in the Dutch part of the North Sea and the concept of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).

This article was published by the Faculty of Law.

Last modified:19 January 2024 11.40 a.m.
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