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A helping hand for entrepreneurial students

Centre for Entrepreneurship to open on 21 November
19 November 2013

In a move to encourage entrepreneurial students, the University of Groningen is opening a centre for entrepreneurship: the University of Groningen Centre for Entrepreneurship (UGCE). Prof. Aard Groen, Professor of Entrepreneurship & Valorization, has been appointed Dean of the new centre. The well-known IT entrepreneur Roel Pieper will be a guest speaker at the official opening on 21 November.

The UGCE is intended as a meeting place for students, starters, entrepreneurs and researchers. The Centre will devise and provide courses in entrepreneurship, explore potential collaborations with industry and apply University of Groningen knowledge to new business ventures.

From education to VentureLab

The UGCE will be the top teaching institute for students and researchers of entrepreneurship at the University of Groningen. It will provide courses to supplement the regular range of degree programmes, thereby helping students to make the step into entrepreneurship. They will receive support in the shape of extracurricular activities including VentureClasses, coaching, customized courses and much more. The UGCE will also offer a top programme entitled Venture Lab Groningen for start-up and established businesses. This intensive business development programme is aimed at ambitious (and start-up) entrepreneurs wanting to develop to their full potential.

Entrepreneurship College Tour

At the opening of the Centre, Roel Pieper will give a lecture entitled ‘Role of Entrepreneurship & Innovation for wealth creation: why would you have to learn about that?’ Pieper has been CEO of various multinationals since 1990. He also invests in venture capital and works as Professor of E-commerce and E-business at the University of Twente.

The meeting will include an Entrepreneurship College Tour, in which Roel will be joined on stage by three young entrepreneurs: Mark Vletter from Voys, Elmer Stevelink from Neonsplash and Jordy Oosterveld from Fonky Sales. All three are young, successful entrepreneurs who started their businesses as students.

Opening of University of Groningen Centre for Entrepreneurship

Location: Van Swinderen Huys, Oude Boteringestraat 19 in Groningen

Date: 21 November 2013

Time: 5–7.30 p.m.

Last modified:13 March 2020 02.16 a.m.
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