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Blaauw lecture by Daniela Calzetti: The Universe from Space (14 October)

09 October 2013

Each year the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute organizes the Blaauw lecture. This is a lecture by an internationally renowned astronomer which everyone, including the general public, can attend. Although the lecture will be given in English, the level of the lecture is such that everyone should be able to understand it. This year, the Blaauw lecture will be given by Prof. Daniela Calzetti, a prominent astrophysicist at the University of Massachussets, USA, on Monday 14 October.

The Blaauw lecture will be held in the Senat Room of the Academy Building and starts at 8 p.m. Registration not necessary.

Daniele Calzetti

Professor Calzetti is a world-expert on star formation in galaxies, especially on observations of the dust that reveals the presence of stellar nurseries. Most famously, she provided a fundamental description of the global dust properties in distant galaxies. Professor Calzetti has been a leading member of many of the most important mutli-wavelength observational surveys of star formation in the local Universe, using the Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes, including the SINGS and KINGFISH surveys. The title of her 2013 Blaauw Lecture is "The Universe from Space".

Last modified:13 March 2020 02.14 a.m.
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