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Colloquium Computer Science, Prof. Vassilios Vescoukis

23 September 2013

Date:                          Monday, September 23rd 2013

Speaker:                     Prof. Vassilios Vescoukis

Room:                         5161.0267 (Bernoulliborg)

Time:                           16.00

Title: Software engineering challenges in the integration of spatial data and services from distributed and heterogeneous sources


The pervasiveness of the Internet to all kinds of connected devices has changed the landscape in software engineering theory and practice. Internet-based services are now available for literally any application, ranging from personal applications to large-scale enterprise systems. Traditional web services evolve into cloud-based applications, available in many heterogeneous platforms that compete for the end-user's attention; integration, interoperability, data sharing, security, privacy and availability are among the key requirements that need to be satisfied by modern software systems. More than a few of such systems have a spatial dimension, which means that at least part of the data involved are geo-tagged and may also flow both ways to and from end-users.

Involvement of the speaker in the design and development of software systems that integrate large-scale spatial data with computational services to provide decision support in environmental crisis management, has brought up some key software engineering challenges: web service APIs, spatial data standardization, dynamic data management, performance, reliability for mission-critical applications, and of course cost-effectiveness, just to name a few. This talk will focus on these challenges from the software engineering point of view and will discuss lessons learned from the development of such systems in a continuously evolving connected world.

Colloquium coordinators are Prof.dr. M. Aiello (e-mail : M.Aiello ) and
Prof.dr. M. Biehl (e-mail: M.Biehl )

Last modified:10 February 2021 1.32 p.m.

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