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Honour for Prof. Jan Oosterhaven

22 July 2013

Prof. Jan Oosterhaven (68) has been conferred with an honour for his services to science in the field of input-output analysis. Prof. Erik Dietzenbacher, president of the International Input-Output Association, presented Oosterhaven with the Fellowship Award medal during the 21st international input-output conference in Kitakyushu, Japan.

Oosterhaven, retired professor of spatial economics at the University of Groningen, earned the award for the innovative and leading role he played in constructing and implementing regional, inter-regional and international input-output tables. Tables of this kind show the details of goods supplied between various sectors, such as agriculture, industry and the service industry, both within and between regions and countries. They are a vital step in predicting the effects of changes such as the establishment of new businesses and measures affecting the infrastructure and/or environment.

In 2008 Oosterhaven received a similar honour from the International Regional Science Association for his scientific and organizational contributions to the field. On his retirement from the post of professor at the University of Groningen in 2010, he was made an Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau for his overall service to science.

Last modified:13 March 2020 02.16 a.m.
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