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International award for paper Prof. Michael Biehl

01 May 2012

The Endocrine Society has selected the paper entitled Urine Steroid Metabolomics as a Biomarker Tool for Detecting Malignancy in Adrenal Tumors for the  International Award for Publishing Excellence in TheJournal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM) in 2011.

This prestigious award recognizes the four best clinical research papers in JCEM each year and will be presented at the 94th Annual Workshop ENDO 2012  in Houston, Texas, in June 2012.

The paper was co-authored by Prof. Michael Biehl, Dr. Petra Schneider and Han Stiekema. It presents a novel tool for the differential diagnosis of tumors of the adrenal gland. The method employs Matrix Relevance Learning, which was developed within the Intelligent Systems Group, for the computational analysis of steroid metabolomics data.

Full reference:
Urine steroid metabolomics as a biomarker tool for detecting malignancy in adrenal tumors
W. Arlt, M. Biehl, A.E. Taylor, S. Hahner, R. Libe, B.A. Hughes, P. Schneider, D.J. Smith, H. Stiekema, N. Krone, E. Porfiri,  G. Opocher, J. Bertherat, F. Mantero, B. Allolio, M. Terzolo, P. Nightingale,  C.H.L. Shackleton, X. Bertagna, M. Fassnacht, P.M. Stewart
Journal  of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 96: 3775-3784 (2011).

Last modified:13 March 2020 01.52 a.m.
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