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University of Groningen successful in prestigious Erasmus Mundus programmes

02 August 2011

The European Commission recently announced the selection results for the Erasmus Mundus programme, which has the aim of enhancing the attractiveness and visibility of European higher education. The University of Groningen was successful in acquiring a European label for Joint Master and Joint Doctorate programmes (known as Action 1) and in the section for global mobility grants from the European Commission for students, PhD students, postdocs and staff (known as Action 2).

Action 1

The Master’s degree programme in Euroculture was once again awarded the prestigious ‘Erasmus Mundus Master Course’ label. The University of Groningen is the coordinator of the Euroculture consortium, intended to attract talented students, which now has educational grants from the European Commission for a further period of five years. The request to extend the recognition of the Language & Communication Technologies programme in which the University participates was also honoured. This means that the number of Erasmus Mundus Master Courses at the University of Groningen remains at eight.


The Neurolinguistics department of the University of Groningen, together with four consortium partners, has been awarded an Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate for the IDEALAB programme, whereby a joint teaching programme and a research path at at least two participating universities leads to a joint doctorate. The University of Potsdam is the coordinator of the project.

Action 2

Just as in previous years, the University of Groningen will be an active participator in the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programme, which provides global mobility grants for students, PhD students, postdocs and academic staff. The mobility is realized among consortia of EU institutions and universities in countries or regions outside the EU.

Mobility grants

As announced previously, the University of Groningen, as the coordinator of the Europlata consortium, has been awarded financing for mobility grants from Argentina to Europe for PhD students, postdocs and staff of the social sciences. In addition, the following consortia in which the University of Groningen participates have again been awarded mobility grants:

  • LOTUS (coordinated by the University of Ghent), incoming mobility at all levels and in all disciplines from China, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar
  • JoinEUSEE (coordinated by the University of Graz), incoming and outgoing mobility on all levels and in all disciplines with Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Albania
  • Eurotango (coordinated by the Technical University of Valencia), incoming mobility for PhD students, postdocs and staff in the natural sciences from Argentina


EMERGE is a new consortium in which the University of Groningen will participate together with its Coimbra Group partners. This project envisions incoming and outgoing mobility at all levels and in all disciplines with Ukraine, Belarus and Moldavia. The EMERGE consortium is coordinated by the A.I. Cuza University of Iasi in Romania.

More information

Regine van Groningen

Coordinator of the EU programmes, Office for International Relations

Last modified:18 January 2024 09.13 a.m.
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