Gene expression profiling studies in acute myeloid leukemia
PhD ceremony: Mr. H.J.M. de Jonge, 14.45 uur, Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen
Title: Gene expression profiling studies in acute myeloid leukemia
Promotor(s): prof. W.A. Kamps
Faculty: Medical Sciences
Over the past decades, the outlook for patients with AML has improved as a result of refinements in the diagnosis of subtypes of AML and advances in therapeutic approaches. The knowledge about the abnormalities underlying AML has increased tremendously. The main aim of this thesis was to further progress the molecular understanding of AML in relation to prognostic factors. To address the research questions posed in the various studies throughout this thesis, a special attention was given to gene expression profiling.
Last modified: | 13 March 2020 01.11 a.m. |
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