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Exploring predictors of chemotherapy efficacy and toxicity in testicular cancer

18 October 2010

PhD ceremony: Ms. E.C. de Haas, 13.15 uur, Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

Thesis: Exploring predictors of chemotherapy efficacy and toxicity in testicular cancer

Promotor(s): prof. J.A. Gietema, prof. F.E. van Leeuwen, prof. D.Th. Sleijfer

Faculty: Medical Sciences


This thesis describes in testicular cancer patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy that: 1) a common variation in the gene for bleomycin hydrolase, an enzyme inactivating the chemotherapeutic agent bleomycin, is associated with unfavourable disease outcome and reduced survival, 2) a common variant in the gene for Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 is associated with unfavourable prognosis and reduced survival, 3) circulating cell skeleton component cytokeratin 18 seems to have no additional value for evaluation of disease response during chemotherapy, 4) circulating endothelial cells may predict chemotherapy-related vascular damage, and 5) the metabolic syndrome, a cluster of cardiovascular risk factors, occurs at earlier age after chemotherapy than in peers, may be the consequence of lower testosterone levels and contribute to the increased risk for cardiovascular disease through an association with atherosclerosis.

Guided by predictors, the ultimate goal is to develop an individual approach through adjustments in treatment strategy, tailored follow-up programs, preventive measures and early interventions.


Last modified:13 March 2020 01.15 a.m.
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