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Panel studies on bank risks and crises

04 December 2009

Choudry Tanveer Shehzad’s thesis focuses upon certain systemic and bank-specific factors that play a crucial role in bank performance and risk management. The overall research question of the thesis is ‘how do various bank-specific and systemic factors affect the riskiness of banks at firm and systemic level’.

Chapter 2 of the thesis shows that financial liberalization reduces the likelihood of the occurrence of systemic banking crises, conditional on the good quality of supervisory environment. Moreover, banks learn from their earlier liberalization reforms and it further reduces the likelihood of systemic crises. Chapter 3 shows that financial crises affect the earnings volatility of small and large banking firms differently and also depends on the market concentration. Because of their asset diversification, large banks have better ability to withstand financial crises, despite their current failures. Chapter 4 compares bank growth and profitability dynamics of banks operating in high-income OECD countries and the other countries and finds significant differences in the persistence of growth and profitability and its variation with bank size. Chapter 5 of the thesis shows that when supervisory control is weak in the banking firms, ownership monitoring can be an alternate mechanism for the optimal risk taking of banks. Moreover, the role of ownership is influenced by the shareholder protection rights. Finally, Chapter 6 summarizes the thesis and gives some policy implications.

Curriculum vitae
Choudry Tanveer Shehzad (Pakistan, 1978) studied economics at the Quaid i Azam University (Islamabad). He conducted his research at SOM research school of the Faculty of Economics and Business. Shehzad will be awarded his PhD on 10 December (1.15pm). The thesis supervisors are bij prof.dr. J. de Haan and prof.dr. L.J.R. Scholtens. The thesis tilte is: Panel studies on bank risks and crises. Shehzad currently works at the Central Bank of Pakistan.

Last modified:25 October 2019 10.56 a.m.
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