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Energy Delta Convention 2008: international platform for business, government and knowledge institutions

14 November 2008

The fourth edition of the Energy Delta Convention will be held at the Martiniplaza in Groningen on 17-19 November. One of the speakers is Jeremy Rifkin, global energy guru and author of the worldwide bestseller ‘The Hydrogen Economy’, copies of which he will be signing on Wednesday 19 November 2008.

The international Energy Delta Convention (EDC) offers a platform to a wide variety of energy experts from business, government and knowledge institutes. EDC2008 is being organized by the Energy Delta Research Centre (EDReC) of the University of Groningen, the Energy Valley Foundation and the NOM (Investment and Development Agency for the Northern Netherlands).

High calibre international speakers
In addition to Jeremy Rifkin, the ambassadors of Japan and Sweden, Messrs Shibuya and Magnusson, will also be speaking. Other keynote speakers include Agneta Rising (Vice President Vattenfall Sweden), Bob Dixon (The Global Environment Facility, Washington), Peter Kalas (ex-minister and advisor to the prime minister of the Czech Republic), Claudia Kemfert (University of Berlin and advisor to European Commission Chair Barroso), Marcel Kramer (CEO Gasunie), Gertjan Lankhorst (CEO GasTerra) and Nebojsa Nakicenovic (Director of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna). In short, all of them are high calibre international speakers.

Extensive side programme
In addition to the keynote speeches, more than a hundred senior speakers from business, science and government will discuss the following themes: the growth of sustainable energy, the role of natural gas, the integration of energy systems, East-West relations and CO2 capture and storage. This year there will be no fewer than seven side events, including a conference on extreme climate changes by the national research organization NWO, a symposium on cooperation between Japanese and Dutch energy experts and a conference on energy storage in Phase Change Materials by the CAPZO organization and NOM. The Energy Delta Convention has thus developed into the international energy platform for energy experts from business, knowledge institutes and government bodies.

The complete list of conference lectures and a registration form can be found on:

Note for the press

- For further information: Bert Wiersema (EDReC)

- See also:

Last modified:06 December 2019 09.15 a.m.
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