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PhD thesis: 'Negative and beneficial effects asymmetry in task dependence within teams'

17 January 2008

One of the more important theories for understanding the functioning of work teams, is interdependence theory. In his PhD thesis Simon de Jong investigates the role of differences or asymmetries in dependence between team members. These asymmetries in dependence occur when one team member is more dependent on another team member to complete his or her task. De Jong concludes that asymmetries in task dependence have negative as well as positive effects. He will be awarded his PhD in economics and business on 24 January.

De Jong concludes that asymmetries in task dependence (the extent to which team members must share materials, information, or expertise in order to achieve the desired output or performance) can negatively influence, dyadic, individual, and team processes and outcomes. This happens when the power associated with these differences can be used by the powerful or when the power of the powerful leads them to forget the needs of their powerless colleagues. The results also indicate that these negative effects occur when the level of task interdependence between team members is low or when the type of performance feedback focuses the team members on attaining a high individual performance.

Asymmetries in power, however, can also be beneficial for intrateam processes, when the amount of task interdependence between team members is high or when the amount and type of performance feedback focuses the team members on attaining a high group performance.

Curriculum vitae
Simon Barend de Jong (The Hague, 1979) graduated in organizational psychology at the University of Groningen. He carried out his research at the Faculty of Economics and Business. De Jong is currently working for Deloitte Consulting - HR Transformation.

Date and time: 24 January 2008, 4.15 pm
PhD student: S.B. de Jong
Dissertation: Asymmetry in task dependence among team members
Promotores: prof. G.S. van der Vegt and prof. H.B.M. Molleman
Faculty: Economics and Business
Location: Aula Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

Information: Simon de Jong, 06-1234 45 42 ,

Last modified:25 October 2019 10.36 a.m.
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