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Education Master's and PhD degree programmes Medicine
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Would you like to work in the world of medicine, either as a physician, a surgeon or a researcher? This programme provides you with the knowledge and skills to start a medical career.

The Master's programme in Medicine consists of a series of internships and a research project in different hospital departments and other medical institutes. After completing this programme, you will receive your medical degree and start your training to become a medical specialist, like a paediatrician or a surgeon.

To be admitted to the Master's programme in Medicine you need a Bachelor's degree in Medicine attained at the University of Groningen

Facts & Figures
MSc in Medicine
Course type
36 months (180 ECTS)
Croho code
Language of instruction
Medical Sciences
Why study this programme in Groningen?

Het doel van de masteropleiding Geneeskunde is studenten op te leiden tot basisarts met kwalificaties zoals beschreven in het Raamplan Artsopleiding ( Het programma leidt de studenten op tot competente basisartsen die in staat zijn professioneel om te –blijven- gaan met de ontwikkelingen in de medische praktijk. Beoogd wordt artsen op te leiden, die in staat zijn optimaal te functioneren in de conti

Het onderwijsprogramma van de masteropleiding is erop gericht dat de student in toenemende mate zelfstandig op de klinische werkvloer kan werken.


Het eerste opleidingsjaar omvat de volgende onderwijseenheden met de daarbij vermelde studielast: 1. Juniorcoschap Beweging (10 ECTS) 2. Juniorcoschap Geneeskunde (10 ECTS) 3. Juniorcoschap Heelkunde (10 ECTS) 4. Juniorcoschap Levenscyclus (10 ECTS) 5. Consultvoering (6 ECTS) 6. Professionele ontwikkeling I (8 ECTS) 7. Kennisprogressie MI (6 ECTS)

Het tweede opleidingsjaar omvat de volgende onderwijseenheden met de daarbij vermelde studielast: 1. Seniorcoschapblok I: 3 seniorcoschappen van 4 weken (12 ECTS) 2. Seniorcoschapblok II: 3 seniorcoschappen van 4 weken (12 ECTS) 3. Seniorcoschapblok III: 4 seniorcoschappen van 4 weken (16 ECTS) 4. Professionele ontwikkeling II (14 ECTS) 5. Kennisprogressie MII (6 ECTS)

Het derde opleidingsjaar omvat de volgende onderwijseenheden met de daarbij vermelde studielast: 1. Oudste coschap (27 ECTS) bestaande uit:

  • een rompstage (14 weken),
  • een verdiepingsstage gerelateerd aan de rompstage (6 weken),
  • het schrijven van een klinische les naar aanleiding van de semi-artsstage.

2. Stage wetenschap (27 ECTS)

  • onderzoeksstage van 20 weken, af te ronden met een verslag dat als masterthesis geldt.

3. Kennisprogressie MIII (6 ECTS)


The Master's programme in Medicine consists of a series of internships and a researchproject in different hospital departments and other medical institutes.

The master's program consists of three years of training, which are concluded with the master's examination. The first year of training takes place in Groningen with theoretical and skills training in the Clinical Training Center (KTC) alternated with 4 clinical internships that are done in the UMCG, the Martini Hospital, or the Wilhelmina Hospital in Assen. The second year of the master's program consists of 10 senior internships in a hospital in the Northeast region of the Netherlands or Curaçao. The third year consists of a Semi-arts internship of your choice and a research internship of 20 weeks.

Entry requirements

Transfer options

Transferring from...

Study programmeOrganizationTransition
MedicineUniversity of GroningenNo additional requirements

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

The assessment Medical Dutch C1 level

additional subject

Bachelor diploma Geneeskunde

knowledge minimum

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

If someone has obtained a bachelor's degree in medicine elsewhere, or in the absence of a bachelor's degree, as is customary in the Netherlands, an admissions committee (ctp.gnk determines whether the person is admissible. In doing so, the admissions committee must determine whether someone is admissible based on knowledge, understanding, skills, and competencies at the level of a Bachelor of Medicine degree obtained at the University of Groningen. For students who do not have a Dutch-language VWO diploma, the additional requirement for admission to the Master's program is that they are in possession of the Medical Dutch C1 certificate. Please note: There is currently a waiting list of at least 18 months for students who have obtained a Bachelor's degree in Medicine elsewhere.

Tuition fees

Practical information for:

After your studies

Job prospects

After receiving your Master's degree you can continue your work in the hospital to become a medical specialist, like a paediatrician or a surgeon. You can also work outside the hospital and train to become a general practitioner or psychiatrist, for example. In addition, you can carry out scientific research and study topics like congenital anomalies and aids. Other career possibilities are working as a teacher or as a policy advisor in a hospital or for the government.


Een deel van de afgestudeerde basisartsen gaat werken als arts-onderzoeker. Vaak leidt dit tot een PhD-traject.

Apply nowBrochureEventsContact
Master's Weekdiverse locatiesMore information


  • Joost Sterkenburg
    Email: studymedicine
    Telephone: +31(0)625649268

Study associations


The Medical Faculty Association (M.F.A.) Panacea is the study association for medical students of the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
On the one hand, Panacea's aim is to represent the interests of its students by for example maintaining close contact with the faculty and the professors, but on the other hand, Panacea also aims to offer added value to the study life by organizing various activities. These activities range from a Medical Career Day to a symposium in which students can learn everything about a specific medical topic.


International Federation of Medical Students' Associations - The Netherlands, better known as IFMSA-NL is a national network of medical students working to a common goal of improving Global Health.
Global Health has become an important international issue in recent years. Thus challenging international healthcare to rise to the occasion. To meet this challenge head on IFMSA-NL organizes a wide variety of projects, congresses and internships to train future medical professionals in the problems of Global Health. IFMSA-NL is represented at all eight Dutch medical faculties and exists of 800 active member and is able to reach at least all 7200 medical Bachelor student in the Netherlands. IFMSA-NL offers students a platform to use, share and improve their knowledge and skills through projects and trainings
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