Klaske Glashouwer appointed as professor by special appointment of eating disorders

As of January 1, 2025, Klaske Glashouwer has been appointed as professor by special appointment of Diagnostics and treatment of eating disorders in adolescents at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences at the University of Groningen and Accare. The chair focuses on improving care for adolescents with eating disorders.
Eating disorders among youth are a major problem with far-reaching consequences for both the adolescents themselves and those around them. An eating problem is still often recognized (too) late. Despite good existing treatments, some adolescents still do not recover sufficiently and a large number remain untreated. This calls for urgent attention and action.
Improving treatment techniques and raising awareness
Klaske: ‘My goal is to gain a deeper understanding of what makes eating disorders so persistent and thus determine the crucial entry points for treatment. I would like to expand research on this topic, and on basis of this, try to improve existing treatments and/or develop new treatment techniques. I also believe it is crucial to disseminate and promote existing evidence-based diagnostics and treatment to ensure adolescents and their parents receive the highest quality care. The chair also aims to contribute to raising awareness; to inform about eating problems and eating disorders, and to encourage youth to ask for help sooner. Initiatives on this have already been started in recent years, such as 99gram.nl, which I want to help strengthen.'
Science and practice
Glashouwer is a scientific researcher and practitioner (healthcare psychologist and cognitive behavioural therapist registered with the Dutch Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (VGCt)) at Accare, bringing together clinical practice and scientific research. Glashouwer is also chair of the Eating Disorders and Obesity Section of the VGCt and actively involved in LEUKK (one of the initiatives of the national chain approach to eating disorders K-EET).
Cooperation and innovation
Since 2005, the University of Groningen and Accare have worked closely together when it comes to eating disorders, resulting in a fruitful interaction between science and practice. With this appointment, the UG and Accare take an important step in developing and sharing knowledge to recognise and treat eating disorders early. Together, we are working towards a future where every adolescent and their parents receive the timely care and support they need.
More information
- Profilepage Klaske Glashouwer
- Accare
Last modified: | 16 January 2025 09.11 a.m. |
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