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Research GBB Membrane Enzymology

Membrane Proteomics

Membrane Proteomics
Membrane Proteomics


  • Organelle isolation: differential velocity and equilibrium centrifugation methods are used to enrich for or purify specific cellular organelles.
  • Protein identification: Proteins are separated by 1D or  2D –electrophoresis; peptides are separated using 2D- or 1D-liquid chromatography (LC); and proteins are identified by peptide mass fingerprinting and sequencing using MS/MS.
  • Quantitative proteomics: fluorescent (2D-DIGETM) or isotopic labelling of proteins or peptides (I-TRAQTM, ICATTM, SILACTM) is used to determine the relative abundance of proteins.
Last modified:03 October 2012 12.04 p.m.