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Health & Safety protocol University College Fryslân

16 June 2020

We cannot predict how COVID-19 will develop and what the world will look like in a few months, but we hope that you will trust that we are doing our utmost to ensure a safe and secure living and learning environment for our entire UCF community. For that purpose, we have developed this Health & Safety protocol with different scenarios to be prepared for all circumstances.

Based on the current developments in the Netherlands, and the province of Friesland in particular as one of the three least affected regions in the country, we have two main plans in place for our education in the 2020/2021 academic year. Our current estimate is that the first plan will take effect as of 1 August 2020. The second plan is there to be put into action in case a second wave of COVID-19 hits the Netherlands.

You can read the whole entire health and safety protocol including the two scenarios by clicking the below button. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email (ucf-grl or phone (+31(0)6 15 54 84 41).

Last modified:18 June 2020 09.14 a.m.

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