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Dr. Indira van der Zande

Indira van der Zande
Indira van der Zande

Programme Director University College Fryslân

My name is Indira and as the Programme Director of UCF I am responsible for the overall quality and succes of our bachelor degree in Global Responsibility & Leadership. I work together with our academic staff on the development of the courses in the curriculum, and with our professional staff on the operational logistics. The students in the programme give me all the positive energy I need and, time permitting, I try to stay connected to them by teaching classes and collaborating in research projects. I had a fantastic University College experience during my own bachelor studies and I'm an advocate for small-scale interdisciplinary and interactive education. On a personal note, I enjoy participating in social activities such as pub quizzes and community service projects together with our growing academic community in Leeuwarden.

Last modified:21 May 2024 08.15 a.m.