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Bente Kato Braaksma

Hello prospective fellow UCF student,

My name is Bente Kato Braaksma, and I am from Heerenveen a really small city in Friesland, the Netherlands. I started my UCF adventure in August 2020, and I absolutely do not regret picking the study Global Responsibility and Leadership. This easily could have been different because I also considered to studying Law. I remember that I found it difficult to compare GRL with other studies like for example law because GRL is a verry young and unique program. But in the end, I made the decision to start my university life at campus Fryslân because I always have been interested in multiple disciplinaries, so an interdisciplinary program is a right fit for me. On top of that I look(ed) around me and I see a world that is going backwards: the climate is changing, there is a lot of poverty, there are lots of wars and sadly I can go on a long time with such a list. However, I don’t want to sit around and wondering why almost nobody is doing anything while I am also not doing anything. And GRL helps me with getting educated in problems like this and coming up with solutions for them in order to make the world a better place.

It is a great adventure for me to study here at UCF, but I know that it can be a complicated path to Leeuwarden. I can understand that you have questions about the applying process, moving to Leeuwarden or studying in corona time. If you have such questions (or any other question concerning UCF) please don’t hesitate to contact me, it would be my honor to help you ;).


Phone: +31 06 37329970

Last modified:21 May 2024 08.15 a.m.