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About us Campus Fryslân University College Fryslân: Global Responsibility & Leadership You at UCF

Alina Ruge

My name is Alina Ruge, and I am from Hamburg, Germany. I started my UCF experience in September 2019 and did not know what to expect when I came to Leeuwarden, because I have never even seen Leeuwarden before I started the program. I had so many questions and luckily, I knew someone from the second year to answer some of them. That really helped me ease my mind about all my fears and I want you to be able to have someone doing the same for you because I know that it was scary diving into something entirely new.

Before I came here I traveled the world for one year to clear up my mind what I really wanted in life. When I found this program after hours of research I felt like this was the right program to fit all my interests. I am interested into international affairs, global problems and how to solve them in a sustainable way. This program will enable me to find a job where I can find solutions that I especially faced when traveling through countries like India. The problem of gender equality, waste disposal or overall poverty.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions concerning the program, the UCF community, or the city of Leeuwarden. The UCF community is there to support you and answer every question you have, in order to start the most exciting journey of your life!


Phone: +49 1573 0767068

Last modified:21 May 2024 08.15 a.m.