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University College Fryslân ambassador: Jan Bles

11 June 2018

University College Fryslân, part of the University of Groningen/Campus Fryslân, offers a small-scale, residential and interdisciplinary bachelor: Global Responsibility & Leadership. Jan Bles will work with University College Fryslân by acting as an ambassador.

Jan Bles
Jan Bles

Jan Bles

Mr Jan Bles, born and raised in Fryslân in a family with an international dairy background, works at Royal FrieslandCampina since 1985 of which around 20 years in Asia and Africa for one of the affiliates. During his time working in the Global Dairy-Food Industry, Bles gained in-depth knowledge and experience addressing global food challenges related to health, sustainability and global distribution. Also Royal FrieslandCampina is specifically involved in addressing these global food challenges.

Jan Bles is very interested in the potential involvement of GRL students in Living Labs, where students can contribute to current leadership challenges. He has an obvious connection to the Frisian region, and has international business experience that uniquely works with various stakeholders According to Bles: “being a global citizen means connecting the global to the local businesses and stimulate the idea of working according to an inclusive business model. I am excited to work with GRL students and I am happy that I can share my expertise in this."

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Last modified:21 December 2018 2.53 p.m.

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