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About us Campus Fryslân Research at Campus Fryslân Research departments Centre for Sustainable Agriculture Transition

Centre for Sustainable Agriculture Transition

The Centre for Sustainable Agriculture Transition aims to make the sustainable agriculture transition successful and accelerate it. The Centre believes that the Netherlands, as a prosperous country with a historical role in the agricultural sector, faces major ecological and climatic challenges. Intensive agriculture has led to declining biodiversity and nature, and is criticised by international organizations. The current system of price competition has led to economies of scale and intensification of production, but does not solve these problems. 

The centre advocates multi-sectoral solutions that address social inequalities, as small changes within the current system are not enough. There is an urgent need for a new agricultural system that reduces social costs and addresses ecological challenges. 

The northern Netherlands has available agricultural land as well as a large-scale industrial infrastructure for biomass processing. Coupled with the availability of renewable energy, the presence of knowledge institutions and a highly developed chemical industry, this offers our region a unique combination of all the necessary ingredients to realise the future of agriculture.

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