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Pieternel de Bie represents Campus Fryslân during IAU congress in Thailand

11 November 2016

During the 15th IAU General Conference, Campus Fryslâns education programme developer Pieternel de Bie will represent UG/Campus Fryslân. The IAU Conference, which takes place in Thailand, is a four day congress.

Case study

The programme of the conference offers opportunities to hear speakers and interact with experts and peers from all parts of the world. UG/Campus Fryslân is one of the eight Case Study's that will be discussed during this programme, and the only Dutch University present.

15th IAU General Conference

The 15th IAU General Conference will focus on sharing strategies and practices that demonstrate how higher education institutions contribute to innovation and sustainability. Equally importantly, the Conference will determine what more Higher Education Institutions can do, especially through IAU, to become true catalysts for change.

Campus Fryslân present at 15th IAU General Conference
Campus Fryslân present at 15th IAU General Conference
Last modified:20 December 2018 10.43 a.m.

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