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New PhD researcher: Angela Greco

03 November 2016

Since the 1st of November Angela Greco started her PhD research on Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Social Housing.

Angela Greco
Angela Greco

Angela Greco

While working on the engineering of energy neutral buildings, I quickly realized that there could not be implementation of sustainable technologies without in-depth consideration of business and human factors.

“Responsibility is the ability to respond to your community, sustainability is the ability to sustain your community” is one of my favorite quotes on sustainability. With my PhD I will study sustainable entrepreneurship applied to the field of social housing. Particularly I will explore the role that housing corporations play in the transition to a low carbon economy and in sustainable welfare and poverty reduction in city neighborhoods.

I believe that developing solutions to sustainability issues and creating value at the same time, is today s challenge if we want to make this so needed transition happen.

Last modified:20 December 2018 10.44 a.m.

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