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Memorandum of understanding World Vision International

13 October 2017

On Tuesday 10 October 2017, World Vision International and University of Groningen signed a global memorandum of understanding on directorate level for cooperation in education and research.

The signing of this document by Prof. dr. Sibrand Poppema (President of the University of Groningen), Dr. Dan Kelly (Vice President of Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs) and Dr. Charles Owubah (Vice President of Evidence and Learning) marks an important moment for a long-lasting partnership between two eminent institutions. Prof. Andrej Zwitter, Dean of University College Fryslân, and Joost Herman, Director of Globalisation Studies Groningen and President of the NOHA Network, are delighted about the prospect of extending the existent collaboration into the domains of humanitarian and development aid both in research as well as in education.

Substantial part of the collaboration is the joint work on the early warning and early action system “WorldView” lead by Chris Hoffman (Regional Disaster Management Director East Africa, World Vision International) and the establishment of the Humanitarian Impact Institute.

World Vision International and University of Groningen signed MoU
World Vision International and University of Groningen signed MoU
Last modified:20 December 2018 10.07 a.m.

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