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Centre for Energy Business and Economics Research
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre for Energy Business and Economics Research
Header image Centre of Expertise CEnBER

Catch up! on Energy Transition - 24 November

Datum:17 oktober 2017

The dynamic world of energy is rapidly changing. Successful innovations call for strategic perspectives, while companies are searching for new ways to respond to different market demands. Are you a player in the energy business, who is currently dealing...

'Subsidies for renewable energy result in more emissions in the industry' by Steven Mous

Datum:13 oktober 2017

The European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) currently caps emissions of over eleven thousand installations in thirty-one countries, amounting to around 45 percent of EU CO2 emissions. Simultaneously, many European governments aim to replace...

‘Solving the Energy Puzzle’ MOOC launches its fourth edition

Datum:30 september 2017

On 30 October the free online course ‘Solving the Energy Puzzle’ launches its fourth edition. The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will provide an insight into the vast array of issues surrounding the complexity of the energy transition, one of the...

EBF Conference 2017 – College Day: Energy in Transition

Datum:15 september 2017

Date of the event: Thursday October 5th, 2017

Ben Gales and Rick Hölsgens assess the Coal Transition in the Netherlands in a form of a historical case study

Datum:01 september 2017

In their paper, Ben Gales (University of Groningen) and Rick Hölgens (Central Scientific Institute of the Technical University of Dortmund) look at the "Coal Transition in the Netherlands" as part of: "An historical case study for the project "Coal...

Samuel Ribansky during the European Parliament Plenary in Strasbourg

“Groningen Energy Specialist provides the skills to shape the future look of the energy policies”

Datum:14 augustus 2017

We talked to Samuel Ribansky, Senior Research Executive at FleishmanHillard’s Energy Practice in Brussels. From his own business experience he saw the added value FEB’s Energy Specialist education. “The labour market is in need of graduates with...

Machiel Mulder, Stijn Neuteleers and Frank Hindriks deliberate the fairness of dynamic grid tariffs in their new publication: Assessing fairness of dynamic grid tariffs

Datum:05 juni 2017

In their paper, Mulder, Neuteleers and Hindriks focus namely on dynamic tariffs. Furthermore, authors seek to assess the fairness of dynamic tariffs through a combination of theoretical and empirical research. Fairness is defined broader than inequality;...

Seminar on emissions trading and energy transition in The Hague | 12 May 2017

Datum:21 mei 2017

Het evenement werd gehost door het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL) in Den Haag. Deelnemers uit zo ongeveer alle werkgebieden die aan het onderwerp raken waren vertegenwoordigd. In de zaal zaten bijvoorbeeld mensen afkomstig van drie ministeries (EZ,...

Walk around the Maxima-centrale Gas Power Plant

Energy Excursion: Visit to the Maxima-centrale Gas Power Plant and Vierverlaten Solar Park | 17 May 2017

Datum:21 mei 2017

At the beginning of the excursion, students were presented with both the challenges and opportunities facing an incumbent energy company, Engie. Experts from Engie discussed the changing strategy and a movement from fossil fuels towards more renewables...