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Primary schools

In the Netherlands, children between 4 and 12 years go to primary schools. These schools are funded by the government and parents are only asked for contributions for extra activities. There are four types of primary schools:

  • Denominational schools: Most schools in this category are Roman Catholic or Protestant, but there are also Jewish, Islamic, Hindustani and Humanistic schools. Schools in this category can be private, however, many are still part of the public school system.
  • Regular public schools (openbare scholen): These schools are run under the authority of the municipality and are not based on any particular religious persuasion or other conviction.
  • Most children go to a regular public school or a denominational school
  • Schools based on certain teaching and learning philosophies: These schools include Montessori, Jena Plan, Dalton and Freinet, and are attended by a relatively small percentage of children. Schools in this category can be private, however, many are still part of the public school system.
  • Special schools: For children requiring special care, there are 'special' schools in both the regular public and denominational categories.
Last modified:24 September 2020 07.01 a.m.