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Over ons Werken bij de RUG Daarom werk je bij de RUG YoungRUG Evenementen


Jaarlijks organiseert YoungRUG in samenwerking met HR een mentorprogramma voor young professionals. In het mentorprogramma worden young professionals, (mentees) gekoppeld aan senior collega's (mentoren). Het doel is om een wederzijds leerproces te faciliteren waarbij een senior medewerker zijn ervaring deelt met een junior medewerker.


Swaeske de Vries
For me, the mentorship programme offers my mentee and myself the opportunity for growth. I can use my expertise to guide her, but at the same time I am learning to become and stay her mentor. Instead of giving (unsolicited) advice, I practise listening, asking questions, and asking for clarifications. Being a mentor forces us to (re)discover the side of us we might have lost as we grew older: the part that can sit, listen, observe, and question without judgement.

Niels Rambags
Being a mentor in the YoungRUG mentor-mentee programme for me is a unique way of helping out a university colleague and at the same time to get insight in another department of the university. Besides the nice cross-faculty/department contact, it extends the network of both the mentee as the mentor and best of all, guiding a colleague forces me to reflect on my own behaviour as well. I highly recommend joining as a mentor or mentee!

Laatst gewijzigd:25 april 2024 10:16
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