Plastic free week
From: | Tu 29-05-2018 |
Until: | Fr 01-06-2018 |
Where: | Groningen |
The Green Office organises a plastic-free week from May 28 until June 1st. During this week we want to challenge our students and staff members to try to live without buying any new plastics for a week. So to take care with supermarkt purchases, to bring your own coffee cup, to refuse plastic bags in stores…Is it possible in today’s society to choose not to use plastic? This is our week to find out.
Can you do it? And do you want to face the challenge? Sign up to participate here.
No worries, because you will receive a lot of tips to help guide you through this week.
During the plastic-free week there will also be a film night showing the award-winning documentary Minimalism with a lecture by Martijn van der Glas (council member for GroenLinks), and we’ll organise a workshop knitting with recycled plastics. Sign up for these activities here.