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Staff week Sustainability at UG

When:Mo 09-04-2018

From 9 - 13 April there will be a staff week held at the University of Groningen about sustainability. During this week, staff from universities from all over the world will come to Groningen to learn about how they can make their University more sustainable. But they will also share their best practices with us!

This week will be about sustainability in all aspects of the University, varying from sustainable behavior of students and staff to the realization of a large solar field, program management, communication and marketing and everything in between.

In this staff week we would like to share best practices regarding sustainability which each other, so that all of us can work towards a more sustainable world. The week will consist of lectures by professionals and scientists who are highly specialized in their field. There will be plenty of time for discussing, brainstorming and sharing ideas.

The Green Office wants to learn from these international guests as well. How do they work with sustainability, and how do they transform their universities and students? We hope to find out this week!

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