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Results for tag: blog

Author - Katrine Stokke

The Restorative Power of Nature

Date:19 June 2023
Author:Green Office
Spending time in nature can have a positive impact on mental health and overall well-being. Walking in nature can increase energy levels, improve focus, reduce stress, and enhance creativity. Evolutionary psychology suggests that natural environments are easier for humans to process and can lead to a feeling of connectedness, which can improve attention and self-discipline. Tips for starting a walking routine include starting small, stretching to warm up, ensuring safety, and finding ways to stay motivated.
Author - Jylles van der Vliet

Winter is Coming - How to get your Garden or Balcony ready for Winter

Date:26 October 2022
Author:Green Office
Do you have a balcony, or even a (small) garden? Make your outdoor space winter-ready within three steps! In this blog,  Jylles explains why now is the time to invest in plants, how you can help out birds & insects, and the benefits of doing nothing! Learn how to make your green-area winter-proof for plants & wild-life, and prepare to flourish in the spring!