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Results for tag:Green Office

Author - Sarah Williams

Energy Conservation Tips for Students

Date:11 November 2022
Author:Green Office
The days are getting colder, and with the current energy crisis, conserving energy has become more relevant than ever before. But how can you best save energy as a student? In this blog, Sarah walks you through the basics and offers 6 tips on how to stay warm. She advises to embrace the sun, wear layers, prevent drought, get an infrared radiator, ask your landlord for insulation, or focus on warming up your body. Don’t worry if you can’t work through all the tips, nobody is perfect and some action is better than none!
Author — Mattanja Gerritsen

The shiny world of greenwashing

Date:08 November 2021
Author:Green Office
Greenwashing, a term that the sustainable community hears more and more. What is it exactly? Mattanja walks us through the strategies companies use and how you can recognize them!
Author — Remco van Veluwen

Plant-based diet on a budget

Date:01 November 2021
Author:Green Office
1st of November is World Vegan Day and it is also the beginning of World Vegan Month! Have you ever wondered how you can have a plant-based diet on a budget? Remco gives us 6 easy tips to eat plant-based food without having to take a hit to your wallet.
Author — Laura Pihl

How to stay motivated in living sustainably

Date:19 October 2021
Author:Green Office
Keeping a sustainable lifestyle can be challenging at times, especially if others are not as invested. That is why it is important to find ways to stay optimistic in your sustainable journey. Laura Pihl gives us four tips on how to stay motivated!
Author - Charissa

The Ethics of the Beauty Industry

Date:03 December 2020
Author:Green Office
By inquiring companies in the beauty industries about the ingredients they use in their cosmetics, you can make them reflect upon their products and ethics.