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Studium Generale: College Tour | Moldova at a Crossroads - interview with Natalia Gavrilița

When:Mo 15-05-2023 20:00 - 21:30
Where:Academy Building, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has placed heavy burdens on the Ukrainian people, as well as on her neighbouring countries. Among these, few have been as affected as Moldova. Landlocked between Ukraine and Romania, this small post-soviet nation faced significant challenges, from aiding the highest per capita number of war refugees in Europe, to facing steep rises in gas prices and severe trade disruptions. Adding to this, Moldova has also had to navigate troubled geopolitical waters, not least given the presence of Russian troops in its separatist territory of Transnistria. Despite all these difficult circumstances, the government of Moldova managed the pursuit of reforms and management of multiple crises.

In this College Tour we welcome the former prime minister of Moldova Natalia Gavrilița. What are the lessons learned from leading Moldova during the first year of the Russo-Ukrainian War? How to shape foreign policy to avoid further escalation with Russia, whilst defending the sovereignty of Ukraine and neighbouring states?