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5G Seminar smart industry 'Game of Drones'

When:Th 18-02-2021 16:00 - 17:15

Are you curious about 5G applications with drones? On Thursday, February 18, two researchers and an entrepreneur will talk about their findings and experiences. You can register for this online seminar using the form on the website of 5Groningen. The language of this seminar is English.

Indoor navigation and control of autonomous vehicles in a smart logistics system

5G will be an enabler in smart industry appliances. Some examples are real time interconnection between machine, massive monitoring, edge computing. In this Smart Industry theme seminar we will present a use case of autonomous drones in an industrial environment and discuss the challenges and possibilities involved.


  • Business case of using autonomous drones in warehouses by Arno Bruining CEO, Arox Smart Technologies
  • Towards 5G-enabled real-time control of indoor collaborative autonomous vehicles by prof. dr. ir. B. (Bayu) Jayawardhana
  • Smart agents by K. (Kerstin) Bunte, PhD
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