Summer Ceremony 3 July 2020
When: | Fr 03-07-2020 13:45 - 14:20 |
Where: | Online livestream via YouTube |
Traditionally, the Summer Ceremony is the end of the academic year at UG. This year the event will take place on friday 3 July via an online livestream. The programme is as follows:
- 1.45 - 2 p.m.: introduction programme with videos.
- 2 - 2.20 p.m.: ceremony. Rector magnificus Cisca Wijmenga will open the event. After this, the GUF-100 prizes for the most excellent students of the different faculties will be handed out. Next up is the Gratama Science Prize, which will be handed out to a promising young researcher. Another prize, the Wierema Rengerink Dissertation Prize for the best disseration that year, will be awarded too. The winner this year is mr. dr. Arpi Karapetian. The ceremony will end with the introduction of new alumni ambassadors to the university.