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Aletta Research Meetup

When:Th 02-04-2020
Where:Zernike Campus Groningen

On 2 April 2020 at the Zernike Campus in Groningen, the next edition of the Aletta Research Meet-up is goint to take place. The topic of this half-day event is Communities & Health. As we all know, health is influenced by many factors, of which few are exclusively in the power of the individual. On the day, we will explore the different communities people live in and their influence on health (behaviour).




12:45 Welcome by Frederic van Kleef/Jochen Mierau, Aletta's Directors
12:55 Keynote lecture by John Drury
Collective psychosocial resilience in crowds in mass emergencies
13:45 Parallel Session I:
Vulnerability and resilience in social groups
Parallel Session II:
Synergies between Global Health & Community Health
Parallel Session III:
Research and Innovation Agenda with and for the Healthy Region: Enabling Healthy Communities
15:15 Matchmaking with coffee/tea
16:15 Keynote lecture by Agnes van den Berg
Health benefits of urban greening
17:00 Drinks

Keynote lectures

John Drury
Professor of Social Psychology (University of Sussex)
Collective psychosocial resilience in crowds in mass emergencies

Agnes van den Berg
Professor of Nature Perception and Evaluation (University of Groningen) and owner of research agency 'Natuurvoormensen' (Natureforpeople)
Health benefits of urban greening

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