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PhD Day 2019: Keep your light on!

When:Fr 20-09-2019
Where:Oosterpoort, Trompsingel 27 Groningen

The PhD day is a day for all PhD students from all fields and nationalities. We aim to create a special day in which PhD students can learn and develop academically and personally. Keynote lectures, talks, workshops, a career fair and a festival and dinner to experience together with hundreds of mind-like PhD students. This is not another academic conference, this is our day.

This year we want to highlight the importance of the physical and mental well-being of PhD students. Therefore, our motto is: “Keep your light on”, and it’s an invitation to stay motivated and engaged in our PhDs and life.

By being conscious of ourselves, the human being behind the PhD student, and by creating a safe, tolerant and enriched social environment we can become happy and successful researchers.

We are not just our PhD research, we are so much more!

Tickets are on sale! Get yours now and be one of the only 200 early birds available! Remember that you may get the cost of the ticket refunded by your research department.

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