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Evening symposium:“Dangerous and mentally ill - the Dutch approach to detention under hospital orders (tbs)”

When:Tu 23-05-2017 18:30 - 21:45
Where:Harmonie building, Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 26, Groningen (lecture room 1314.0026)

An interactive event on tbs; a typical Dutch form of detention aimed at treating the psychiatric problems of people who have committed serious offences (partly as a result of their psychiatric problems). During the symposium, experts will discuss different aspects of tbs from a medical, judicial and sociological point of view.

The event will consist of two plenary lectures, followed by two rounds of workshops of which you can give your preferences. The entrance fee will be €2,- and has to be paid in cash at the door. Drinks and snacks are included. All lectures and but one workshop will be in English, which will be denoted with (NL).


18.15 – 18.30 Doors open

18.30 – 18.50 Introduction

18.50 – 19.20 Lecture 1: 'Treatment vs. Protection: a constant conflict? By Dr Harry Beintema (medical director at FPC Dr. S. van Mesdag )

19.20 – 19.50 Lecture 2:'Justified or out of bounds? An international perspective on tbs as a possible

lifelong sentence' by Michiel van der Wolf LLM PhD (assistant professor in criminal law at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, deputy judge at the court of Amsterdam and psychologist)

19.50 – 20.20 Break

20.20 – 20.50 Workshops round 1:

  • Kicking the habit: addiction treatment for tbs patients
  • Virtual Reality Aggression Prevention Training (VRAPT)
  • Hoe verdedig je een cliënt die tbs boven het hoofd hangt? (NL)

20.55 – 21.25 Workshops round 2 :

  • CSI: forensic medicine in practice
  • Virtual Reality Aggression Prevention Training (VRAPT)
  • Does cultural background influence tbs treatment?

21.30 – 21.45 Closing

There are limited spots, so sign up soon via the button below

We hope to see you there!

Vera Brink, Anouk Wildeboer, Kim Roeten and Machiel Drenth Olivares
Honours College Master Students

In collaboration with: the Groningen University Fund (GUF) and the Honours College Social Association (HCSA).

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