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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. T.D. Stek


Reconsidering the Impact of Roman Expansionism on Daunian Population Centers in the Melfese Area: New Data on the Primary Settlements of Venosa, Banzi, and Lavello

Reconsidering the impact of Roman expansionism on Daunian population centres in the Melfese area: new data on the primary settlements of Venosa, Banzi, and Lavello

Digital Field Survey Archaeology: recupero di legacy data di ricognizioni di superficie in Molise e Puglia con lo stage del Reale Istituto Neerlandese di Roma

New research on two mountainous settlements in Molise, Central Italy: The hillfort of La Romana (Isernia, IS) and the mountain top site of Lo Monaco (Longano, IS)

Paesaggi ritrovati. Ager Venusinus vent'anni dopo

Abitare le zone interne dell’Italia di ieri, oggi e domani. Il progetto archeologico dell’area del Tappino, in Molise, tra ricostruzione storica e tutela del Patrimonio Culturale tramite “Citizen Science”

Scratching the Surface: Integrating Low-Visibility Zones and Large Rural Sites in Landscape Archaeology Using Point Sampling

The Archaeology of Roman Portugal in its Western Mediterranean Context

A non-invasive archaeological approach to the study of mountain top settlements: first results from the hillfort of Montagna di Gildone in ancient Samnium (CB, Molise)

Contextualizing Papius: Samnite traces in the Roman colonial context of Venusia

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