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Comparison of 2 Immunosuppression Minimization Strategies in Kidney Transplantation: The ALLEGRO Trial

High-Density Lipoprotein Particles and Torque Teno Virus in Stable Outpatient Kidney Transplant Recipients

Iron deficiency, anemia, and patient-reported outcomes in kidney transplant recipients

Iron Status and Cause-Specific Mortality After Kidney Transplantation

Kidney Transplantation Improves Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Recipients

Memory B-cell derived donor-specific antibodies do not predict outcome in sensitized kidney transplant recipients: a retrospective single-center study

Pre-donation Assessment of Cystatin C to Improve Prediction of Pre- and Post-Donation GFR in Potential Living Kidney Donors

Sleep quality, fatigue, societal participation, and health-related quality of life in kidney transplant recipients: a cross-sectional and longitudinal cohort study

The association between hemoglobin levels and renal function parameters during normothermic machine perfusion: A retrospective cohort study using porcine kidneys

Urinary Endotrophin and Long-term Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients

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