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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S.M. Hogeling


M2 macrophages drive leukemic transformation by imposing resistance to phagocytosis and improving mitochondrial metabolism

CombiFlow: combinatorial AML-specific plasma membrane expression profiles allow longitudinal tracking of clones

Dietary methionine starvation impairs acute myeloid leukemia progression

CombiFlow: Flow cytometry-based identification and characterization of genetically and functionally distinct AML subclones

CREB signaling activity correlates with differentiation and survival in medulloblastoma

The USP7-TRIM27 axis mediates non-canonical PRC1.1 function and is a druggable target in leukemia

Prospective Isolation and Characterization of Genetically and Functionally Distinct AML Subclones

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