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Machine learning-based radiomic analysis and growth visualization for ablation site recurrence diagnosis in follow-up CT

Prognostic Implications of Lateral Lymph Nodes in Rectal Cancer: A Population-Based Cross-sectional Study With Standardized Radiological Evaluation After Dedicated Training

Prognostic significance of MRI-detected extramural venous invasion according to grade and response to neo-adjuvant treatment in locally advanced rectal cancer A national cohort study after radiologic training and reassessment

Validation of the Mayo Imaging Classification System for Predicting Kidney Outcomes in ADPKD

Abandonment of Routine Radiotherapy for Nonlocally Advanced Rectal Cancer and Oncological Outcomes

A dual-tracer approach using [11C]CH and [18F]FDG in HCC clinical decision making

A nationwide assessment of hepatocellular adenoma resection: Indications and pathological discordance

An updated evaluation of the implementation of the sigmoid take-off landmark 1 year after the official introduction in the Netherlands

A possible physiological mechanism of rectocele formation in women

A prospective multicentre trial on survival after Microwave Ablation VErsus Resection for Resectable Colorectal liver metastases (MAVERRIC)

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