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Anemia in Pregnancy With CKD

Fabry disease with atypical phenotype identified by massively parallel sequencing in early-onset kidney failure

Facing the challenges of PROM implementation in Dutch dialysis care: Patients’ and professionals’ perspectives

“It’s My Life and It’s Now or Never”—Transplant Recipients Empowered From a Service-Dominant Logic Perspective

Long-Term Kidney and Maternal Outcomes After Pregnancy in Living Kidney Donors

Pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in pregnant solid organ transplant recipients: A retrospective study

Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in women of reproductive age and observed birth rates

Response Letter to: Pregnancy, Healthy Eating, and CKD: “Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mainly Plants,” by Piccoli et al. (KIR-01-23-0003)

The immaturity of patient engagement in value-based healthcare—A systematic review

Bleeding risk in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease treated with acetylsalicylic acid: implications for prevention of preeclampsia

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