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LOFIT (Lifestyle front Office For Integrating lifestyle medicine in the Treatment of patients): a novel care model towards community-based options for lifestyle change-study protocol

Pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma: optimizing surveillance and diagnostic strategies

Diagnostic Accuracy of Salivary Metanephrines in Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas

Blood sampling for metanephrines comparing venipuncture vs. indwelling intravenous cannula in healthy subjects

Clinical implications of the oncometabolite succinate in SDHx-mutation carriers

In matrix derivatization combined with LC-MS/MS results in ultra-sensitive quantification of plasma free metanephrines and catecholamines

Increased Mortality in SDHB but Not in SDHD Pathogenic Variant Carriers

Homozygous TMEM127 mutations in 2 patients with bilateral pheochromocytomas

Nationwide study of patients with head and neck paragangliomas carrying SDHB germline mutations

Platelet serotonin is not elevated in patients with benign head and neck paragangliomas

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