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dr. E.M.C. (Esther) Bouma

Institutional researcher

2020 - present: Institutional Researcher, department Educational Support and Innovation of the Center for Information Technology (CIT), University of Groningen

2020 - present: researcher 'human-animal relationships' at Social Psychology, University of Groningen. 

2020- present: co-supervisor PhD project van Stella Arnt Rosa 'How do we perceive domesticated animals: Towards an integrated theory of anthropomorphization and animalization in the context of the human-animal relation'. 

2018 - 2020: researchers project 'acquisition of a dog' at Social Psychology, University of Groningen. 

2014 - 2018: Institutional Researcher, department Educational Support and Innovation of the Center for Information Technology (CIT), University of Groningen

2011 - 2014: Academic Advisor, Faculty of Science and Engeneering, University of Groningen 

2010 - 2011: Researcher at TRAILS (Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey), Interdisciplinairy Center for Psychiatric Epidemiology (ICPE), University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) 

2005 - 2010: PhD research project 'The Sensitive Sex. Depressive problems in adolescence and the influence of gender, genes and physiological stress responses', supervision by A.J. Oldehinkel, J. Ormel, H. Riese, ICPE, UMCG  

2005: Research internschip project 'Quality of life and sexual functioning after laparoscopic total mesorectal excision', supervisors: S.O. Breukink, W.C.M. Weijmar-Schultz, department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, UMC Groningen


2017 - present: Certified Behavioural Therapist for Cats

2005-2010: Graduate School Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences (BCN), University of Groningen

2004-2005: Introduction to Psychology and Pedagogy (self-study modules at Leidse Onderwijsinstelling)

1998-2004: Master in Biology, University of Groningen

Last modified:25 June 2022 2.34 p.m.