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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons E.K. Simmelink


Interobserver and intraobserver reliabilities of determining the ventilatory thresholds in subjects with a lower limb amputation and able-bodied subjects during a peak exercise test on the combined arm-leg (Cruiser) ergometer

Combined arm-leg ergometry in persons with a lower limb amputation

Feasibility, safety, and reliability of exercise testing using the combined arm-leg (Cruiser) ergometer in subjects with a lower limb amputation

One-day low-intensity combined arm-leg (Cruiser) ergometer exercise intervention: cardiorespiratory strain and gross mechanical efficiency in one-legged and two-legged exercise

Gross mechanical efficiency of the combined arm-leg (Cruiser) ergometer: A comparison with the bicycle ergometer and handbike

Prosthetic fitting in a patient with a transtibial amputation due to a congenital vascular malformation of the right leg

Repeatability and validity of the combined arm-leg (Cruiser) ergometer

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Proefschrift Liesbeth Simmelink: Met één been kun je nu wél testen