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Humoral and cellular immune responses after COVID-19 vaccination of lung transplant recipients and patients on the waiting list: a 6-month follow-up

Iron deficiency, anemia, and patient-reported outcomes in kidney transplant recipients

Management of infectious disease syndromes in thoracic organ transplants and mechanical circulatory device recipients: a Delphi panel

Tacrolimus Variability and Clinical Outcomes in the Early Post-lung Transplantation Period: Oral Versus Continuous Intravenous Administration

Transatlantic veno-venous ECMO bridge for lung transplantation

A Joint Pharmacokinetic Model for the Simultaneous Description of Plasma and Whole Blood Tacrolimus Concentrations in Kidney and Lung Transplant Recipients

Genomic profiling of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders using cell-free DNA

Health-related quality of life is linked to the gut microbiome in kidney transplant recipients

Increasing Antibody Responses to Five Doses of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine in Lung Transplant Patients

Non-tuberculous mycobacteria disease pre-lung transplantation: A systematic review of the treatment regimens and duration pre- and post-transplant

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De eerste resultaten van onderzoek naar werking coronavaccins

Duizenden gevaccineerden maken te weinig antistoffen aan door problemen afweersysteem

Een halve eeuw orgaantransplantaties in Groningen: 'Het was echt pionieren'