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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons C. Lammers, MSc

Research interests

PhD project:  Restoring coastal landscapes with spatially organizing plants


A sandy symphony: Unraveling dune grass interactions and their role in landscape formation

Habitat modification by marram grass negatively affects recruitment of conspecifics

Are ecosystem engineering traits fixed or flexible: A study on clonal expansion strategies in co-occurring dune grasses

Establishing cordgrass plants cluster their shoots to avoid ecosystem engineering

Habitat complexity drives food web structure along a dynamic mangrove coast

Sediment availability provokes a shift from Brownian to Lévy-like clonal expansion in a dune building grass

Resilience of beach grasses along a biogeomorphic successive gradient: Resource availability vs. clonal integration

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Biestarwegras maakt lage duintjes, helmgras bouwt de hoogte in