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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A. (Ahmad) Vaez Barzani


A genome-wide association meta-analysis implicates Hedgehog and Notch signaling in Dupuytren's disease

Prioritization of Kidney Cell Types Highlights Myofibroblast Cells in Regulating Human Blood Pressure

Genome-wide analysis identifies genetic effects on reproductive success and ongoing natural selection at the FADS locus

A Mendelian randomization cytokine screen reveals IL-13 as causal factor in risk of severe COVID-19

Bioinformatic Prioritization and Functional Annotation of GWAS-Based Candidate Genes for Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

DNA methylation: a potential mediator between air pollution and metabolic syndrome

Large-Scale Multi-Omics Studies Provide New Insights into Blood Pressure Regulation

Multidisciplinary approach to functional somatic syndromes: study protocol for a population-based prospective cohort study

Erratum: Publisher Correction: Identification of 371 genetic variants for age at first sex and birth linked to externalising behavior (Nature human behaviour (2021))

GWASinspector: comprehensive quality control of genome-wide association study results

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